Fathers Eve Connection
John Francis interviews leaders in the fatherhood space to share what others are doing to support dads.
John Francis, founder of Fathers Eve interviews David Pidancet from the LA Dads Group and the Country Music Dads Podcast.
John Francis interviews Brock Lusch from the National At Home Dad Network.
John has a friendly interview with Chris Lewis from Fathering Together/City Dads Group to learn more about what they’re up to!
John Francis, founder of Fathers Eve interviews Keith Nagel from the National At Home Dad Network.
Enjoy this edition of the Fathers Eve Connection.
John Francis, founder of Fathers Eve interviews Jesse Sweed, a teacher of seventeen + years, a highly recommended Parent Leadership Coach dedicated to helping parents overcome obstacles, burnout, and the parenting-guilt-cycle.
John Francis, founder of Fathers Eve interviews Kevin Goodnight, author of Dadvoted
John Francis, founder of Fathers Eve interviews Brandon Blinson, co-host of the Present Fathers Podcast / @thepresentfathers
John Francis, founder of Fathers Eve interviews Jason Kriedman, founder of Dad University – Dad University.
John Francis, founder of Fathers Eve interviews Steve Laurette founder of Dads helping Dads in this edition of The Fathers Eve Connection.
John Francis, founder of Fathers Eve interviews Matt Schneider. Matt is the co-founder of City Dads Group, a nationwide community of dads navigating fatherhood together. He is an at-home dad living with his wife and two boys in New York City. Matt also hosts the Modern Dads Podcast, a show for dads and moms engaged in the trials and tribulations of parenthood.
John Francis, founder of Fathers Eve interviews Brock Lusch of The National At- Home Dad Network, Host of The NOMADad Podcast, and founder of the Cincinnati’s City Dads group.