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Building a Community Among Dads and Why It’s Important

Sometimes raising a family leaves you feeling isolated as if you’re all alone and trying to figure it all out as you go. However, something as important as helping your kids grow shouldn’t remain a solo affair.
Chances are, you enjoy team sports. Even if your favorite player is a star quarterback or a left fielder, it still takes the entire group to win it all.
If you have ever felt overcome or lost when it comes to knowing how to act around your children or partner, you aren’t the first to find fatherhood confusing. That is why we are creating an entire community of like-minded fathers, to help ensure the next generation can see the right path.
Before Father’s Day arrives, Fathers Eve is an exciting nationwide event that will raise awareness about what fatherhood should be, and what we can do today for better progress tomorrow. By connecting you with other fathers of all walks of life, we are showing the world that any man can become a father.

What is Fathers Eve?

What is Fathers Eve
Each father has a unique set of skills that allow them to excel in one area of parenthood, but they might also struggle with other aspects. Fathers Eve is a volunteer group of dads who remain dedicated to creating a group of supporting dads helping one another as they navigate through the confusing road of fatherhood.
The inaugural Fathers Eve took place in 2015 in St. Paul, MN, raising over $10,000 for charity, with the subsequent events taking place in dozens of cities across the nation. This year, our goal is at least 100 events throughout the U.S., growing our community and achieving more donations than ever before.
In 2017, we saw our efforts reach out to Costa Rica and the UK, bringing together fathers of all ages and backgrounds together for one night of community. By gaining support from others, we will succeed in creating a new holiday aimed at bringing men together to learn and help one another.
Fatherhood doesn’t need to remain an isolating effort for each family. Instead, the more we take away and give to others, the better we can round out our methods and raise the next generation that we want to see.

Why Another Holiday for Dads?

Dads celebrated Fathers Eve
Although Father’s Day, the first holiday for dads, falls after Fathers Eve, the two holidays are currently separate. We believe that Father’s Day is a time for individual families to come together and celebrate their favorite dad, whereas Fathers Eve is a day of community and learning.
Fathers Eve began when a group of friends became dads and discovered that they didn’t have many to speak to about the job. Either their fathers and brothers passed away, or they simply weren’t available to meet with and discuss the challenges we face every day.
We continue working towards providing ways of finding appropriate father figures for more dads to learn from, as well as inspire with their unique takes and techniques. While we may not solve every problem, especially in a single evening, we strive to continue making fatherhood better year by year.
We encourage everyone, not only dads, to continue offering their support as we focus on creating a better generation of future fathers. When we all join together to resolve the problems we face, we all succeed faster.

Do We Need a Father Community?

Father Community
As is the circumstance with many aspects of life, it’s understandable that there are numerous good fathers in the world. However, when there is a case in which someone wasn’t raising their family as they should, either from poor decisions, bad behavior, or some condition or illness making it challenging, it only hurts the idea of fatherhood as a whole.
It’s no secret that the portrayal of father figures is not typically in the best light in popular culture. Whether it’s the sloppy, bumbling dad from your favorite television sitcom to the aloof, angry characters fighting through addiction, it seems as if there are few, if any, positive male role models.
We know that excellent fathers are everywhere if you know where to look. By bringing more dads together throughout the nation, we know that we will soon build the support center we all can benefit from, as well as work together for an evening of fun, food, and creating the future.
Every dad has wished that there was some form of learning group to understand how to become a better father figure to their families. By building an entire community of helpful, supportive fathers, we can help inspire and instruct fathers on how we should act towards others.

Safe, Informative, and Fun

Fathers Eve is safe_informatice_fun
What makes Fathers Eve different from other events is our egos aren’t the things that teach. Attending an event in your community is not meant to intimidate you, insult you, or show you how you are failing in your role as a parent.
Instead, we are joining together to share our ideas, experiences, and techniques, helping more dads realize areas of improvement while assisting and supporting others. Often, support groups spend too much time telling you where you’ve gone wrong, and not what to do right instead.
Whether you struggle with the challenges of life as a single parent, or you’ve never been a father before, we guarantee you’ll find someone that has the same fears and struggles, as well as those who have overcome them.
Whatever you hope to glean from our event, be it becoming a better parent and partner or merely giving back to the community, more dads know that Fathers Eve achieves the results we all desperately need to see. We hope that you’ll join our network of dad’s this year as we strive for the largest turnout yet.
When dads support other fathers, it helps us all grow more quickly than before. If we can continue supporting one another with life lessons, community, and suggestions, we can all overcome daily parenthood challenges. And that is the beginning of a much-needed thing called Fatherhood!



In 2019 we had 60 events with Dads Celebrating Fathers Eve® all around the USA and Canada too!! This year, enjoy time with old and new friends the night before Father’s Day.

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